20, allée de la danse - saison 1 Tome 7 : La tournée au Japon - Pocket

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Sold by Opéra National de Paris


The lives and dreams of the little rats from the Opera School of Dance! The students from the School of Dance are off to Japan! They will be performing in several cities. Ever since she found out, Maïna has had one thing on her mind: she's finally going to meet Daisuke, a Japanese boy her own age, with whom she's been corresponding on a website devoted to lucky figurines. Daisuke here, Daisuke there... Her friends are almost jealous.

Product information

Publication Year
Technical specification

Authors: Elizabeth Barféty, Magalie Foutrier
Publisher: Pocket Jeunesse
18.2 cm x 11.2 cm x 1 cm
Number of Pages