A Quiet Place, created in 1983 by Leonard Bernstein and reworked in 1986, was conceived as a sequel to Trouble in Tahiti. We find Sam, three decades later, as a fallen father rejected by his two children. Dinah, his wife, has just died in a car accident and the family meets at her funeral. The pain of grief reveals unacknowledged wounds. This work, deeply rooted in the society of the time and the taboos that accompany it, is the last opera of a composer who never stopped trying to renew the lyrical form. A new version, adapted by Garth Edwin Sunderland, was created in concert in 2013 under the direction of Kent Nagano. It is, for the first time, staged and the Opéra national de Paris has entrusted this task to Krzysztof Warlikowski who tightens the plot around the family and its secrets.
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